Tēna koutou i ngā āhuatanga o te wā
Happy new year. We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holiday break.
Thank you for a great 2022. It was a year of building relationships with providers – we engaged kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) with 26 providers and schools and offered 10 workshops across the motu. It was a wonderful experience for us to visit and be so warmly welcomed and we certainly saw some excellent training facilities.
We want to continue to engage with our partners to see how best we can moderate and quality assure programmes that support the intent of the Reform of Vocational Education; incentivise equitable outcomes for learners; provide industry with confidence in workforce skills; and support providers to succeed. We look forward to continuing to build relationships with your organisation over the coming year to support you to develop and deliver high quality programmes in the food and fibre sector.
It is with pleasure that we now share with you our 2023 National External Quality Assurance and Moderation Plan for providers assessing unit standards from the food and fibre sectors. The plan can be found our website together with the 2023 moderation calendar.
The plan has been developed to support your organisation in preparing for external quality assurance and moderation with Muka Tangata. We see potential for the plan to also assist with developing your internal quality systems. Our team will be contacting your organisation in due course to request learner assessment samples and/or a time for a site visit in line with the moderation calendar.
Two important reports have influenced our moderation plan – Te Whakatōnga and an External Moderation Review of our practices. Thank you to those of you who supported these projects last year. The external moderation review (conducted by SAARA) –will help ensure that we have fit-for-the-future moderation and quality assurance systems. Te Whakātonga recommends ways that we can incorporate mātauranga Māori into our ways of working. Recommendations from both these reports are leading to changes and improvements for us.
Throughout the year we will be offering 22 online workshops specifically tailored for schools and for providers. Read more about the topics we'll be covering and register online here.
If you are no longer delivering programmes within the food and fibre sector and no longer wish to receive communications, please reply to this email advising us of this. If you are not the correct person for these types of emails can you please forward to the appropriate contact asking them to email us to update our records.
We look forward to continuing our connection and working closely with you in 2023.
Ngā mihi nā
Lester Hoare
General Manager Quality Assurance
Raranga mahi mana mai. Maranga mahi mana mai, Karanga mahi mana mai
Weave the potential. Awaken the potential Call the potential